About Project

About Client

Micro-Enterprises Support Programme Trust (MESPT) promotes economic growth, job creation and poverty alleviation by providing integrated business solutions support to micro, small and medium-sized enterprises.

Project in Brief

MESPT contracted Jeri Consulting to develop The Partner, MESPT’s official newsletter.

Project Aim

Launch the new-look design for The Partner newsletter.
The Partner Magazine, Published by MESPT, Produced & Designed by Jeri Consulting
Graphic Design Kenya

Project Highlights

Julia and her team at Jeri Consulting balanced typography, photography, infographic and a minimalist design style to deliver a captivating newsletter packed with content that packed a punch.

Strategy & Research
Content Development
Design & Layout
Days of Work

What They Said

“Julia is a seasoned professional with a brilliantly creative team that took the time to understand our company culture and goals and went on to help us publish a newsletter that truly embodied who we are and what we do.”

— Margaret Miano, Marketing & Logistics Officer, MESPT

Newsletter Design & Layout by Jeri Consulting